research, documentation, and advocacy

To ensure the steady growth of the communities as well as its capacity to expand and extend its mission, it is important to do research, documentation and advocacy.

Research: The breadth and extent of the experiences of PACSII and of HPFPI enable them to become a watershed of profound reflections and learnings, not only for their own growth but also for the development of other similar organizations or movements. The homeless people have already had a lot of opportunities to share their stories and good practices to other communities in certain researches conducted by several universities. TAMPEI, for example, came up with the beautiful research project writing on a book the narratives of the homeless people in the different regions of the country.

Documentation: Is quite important for any organization to keep tract of its life, development and dynamism. It is important to capture, through texts, recorded materials and documentary films, important decisions, exchanges, reflections, learnings, commitments and images that form part of the whole process of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects or programs. PACSII and HPFPI have had extensive documentation done either through written reports or through film documentation experiences that they had. Such efforts would be important to trace back to the past the history of the organizations.

Advocacy: The founding of any organization, especially of the HPFPI and of PACSII was inspired to pursue a particular vision-mission as defined by the original and succeeding members of such organizations. Such noble dreams normally are born out of particular realities that need to be addressed or resolved. In the case of our organizations, homelessness and the corollary problems that normally come along with it, were the concerns that need to be confronted. Such realities are shared by many of those that are marginalized and whose voices have been muted in society. Advocacy, therefore, is an important component of social change and transformation. It is meant to understand social issues in terms of their root causes and also in terms of their systemic relations with many other aspects of the reality in any given social condition.

Project-Proposal Writing: Another area where PACSII provides assistance to the homeless people in the effort of empowering them is to make them source out their funds and support for their particular projects that may be beyond their capacity to immediately finance through their own savings. It is important that the communities are able to identify where such funds are available and are equally empowered to have access to them. This is facilitated when the communities are taught how to write their project or program proposals.  In the course of the history of PACSII and HPFPI, there have been a lot of project proposal that the communities were able to draft, finalize, and submit to particular funding institutions, government or non-government, local and global.